BENITA’S BRIDE Benitas Real Bride Submission Insert your e-mail address. * What are the bride and groom's names? * Tell us all the deets about your big day! * What was your wedding date? * How did your love story begin? How did you know that your partner was the one? Tell us the deets behind the proposal! Where did you get married? * What features of your wedding venue won you over? What was the vibe of your wedding? Share some of the highlights from your big day! * Describe what your gown looked like and why you chose it! * Tell us more about your experience finding your dream gown at Benita's! * Who was involved in making your day come to life? Who made up your dream team?? List videographers, photographers, makeup artists, planners, etc with their social media handles below. * Please share the link to your wedding gallery with us! * Be sure to share the link and password with [email protected] so we can access your gallery! Check the box to give permission to Benita's Bridal Formal Tux to share your wedding photos on our website and social media * I give Benita's permission to share my wedding photos to social media and website Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.